Music weasel

This is just another boring personal website, but it’s my little page on the internet.

You can also visit my gopher hole if you’d like, same URL just switch the port to 70.

I sometimes document my personal projects here and exercise my technical writing skill, and perhaps someone finds this useful one day.

While you’re here on the web, here are some fun sites to spend some time on.


Funny quotes

A burrito is just a lasagna in the category of endofunctors.

- Origin unknown, original inspiration.

Let me be perfectly clear: ed is the standard Unix text editor. If you don’t know ed, you’re not a real sysadmin.

- Ed Mastery Michael W Lucas

The easiest way to tell a Real Programmer from the crowd is by the programming language he (or she) uses. Real Programmers use FORTRAN. Quiche Eaters use PASCAL.

- Ed Post (1982)

Anything with a network connection and a working ssh client will do… I’d rather spend my money on clothes & entertainment… less tech garbage also means my bedroom doesn’t scare the bitches away

- The UNIX Terrorist

Usually, the remote server wont tell you the correct size of their penis packet.

- movl

The C language is case-sensitive. Compilers are case-sensitive. The Unix command line, ufs, and nfs file systems are case-sensitive. I’m case-sensitive too, especially about product names. The IDE is called Xcode. Big X, little c. Not XCode or xCode or X-Code. Remember that now.

- Chris Espinosa

Fördelen är att alla BDSM-fantaster har en utmärkt alibimöjlighet.
"När jag pratar om locks, jails och constriction pratar jag om ett obskyrt unixsystem”.

- tvåålen

ARM assembly (aarch64)

If you’re into assembly you can check out the instruction reference as a html site instead of the 14k page pdf you can get from arm.